Things to Think About

Everyday thoughts about nothing in particular. Just "things to think about".

Location: Markleville, Indiana, United States

I have been married to a wonderful man, Marty, for 27 years and have three great children. Amanda, Drew and Amy. I also have three adorable grandkids, Dallys, Dylan and Donovan. I am a legal assistant/secretary and have done that job in one form or another for about 20 years. My church is CFC and they are my family.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

These are my two youngest kids. They are getting so grown up. I was looking through tons of pictures last night getting ready for Drew's graduation and it just amazes me how much they've grown. To see those cute little babies and then they walk in the room and they are young adults.

It makes me wonder how God sees us sometimes. We start out as baby Christians and then we get all grown up. It's just like with our kids though. No matter now grown up they are they always need us, just like we always need God. He's our daddy. We are always learning from him no matter how old or "grown up" we are. We must always keep pressing into Him. We are never too old for that!

Have a blessed day!


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