Things to Think About

Everyday thoughts about nothing in particular. Just "things to think about".

Location: Markleville, Indiana, United States

I have been married to a wonderful man, Marty, for 27 years and have three great children. Amanda, Drew and Amy. I also have three adorable grandkids, Dallys, Dylan and Donovan. I am a legal assistant/secretary and have done that job in one form or another for about 20 years. My church is CFC and they are my family.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Lord, help me to have a heart to see people the way you see them. To feel their hurts and understand. Help me to always see the best in people regardless of what's on the outside. Father, it's my heart's cry to have a closer, stronger relationship with you. I want to step outside the everyday hustle and bustle and run to you. I want to seek you with my whole heart and give every part of it to you. Help me to do that. I love you Jesus. Amen


Blogger Lisa said...

That's a great prayer Andy!

4/05/2006 7:34 AM  
Blogger AmyJo said...

That's a prayer we should all be saying. Thanks Andy.

love you,

4/05/2006 9:47 AM  

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