Things to Think About

Everyday thoughts about nothing in particular. Just "things to think about".

Location: Markleville, Indiana, United States

I have been married to a wonderful man, Marty, for 27 years and have three great children. Amanda, Drew and Amy. I also have three adorable grandkids, Dallys, Dylan and Donovan. I am a legal assistant/secretary and have done that job in one form or another for about 20 years. My church is CFC and they are my family.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Much Accomplished

Well, it's been a busy weekend. Didn't really go anywhere, but have been very busy at home and we got much accomplished. To look around it really doesn't look like it in places, but I guess to get something cleaned and organized you have to create a mess. At least that's the way it is for me. I have to move things out, clean and organize and then move things back. Amanda came and cleaned my bedroom and living room carpets and that was a great blessing. They really needed it. They could probably use it again in some places, but they look much better than they did. We also watched the grandkids overnight on Friday night. That kept us hopping. Or should I say that kept me and Amy hopping. Marty is pretty much confined to the couch while we are at home. In case you didn't know, Marty broke his foot. Of course it is his left foot which is the leg he had so much trouble with this summer. He's behaving pretty well . . . for Marty. He keeps it up and ices it when I tell him to. Although he really doesn't have much choice when I put the ice pack on it! Well, it was fun having the kids, but we were pretty tired when it was all said and done. They are a handful, but are sweeties! That's pretty much it. Busy weekend, but got a lot accomplished and that makes me feel good! Have a great week!


Blogger Lisa said...

Marty looked great in pink, so he's got that going for him! Keep telling him real men wear pink.

Love you both!

3/13/2006 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A real man wears pink! I think it looked hott! I think all men should have to wear pink!

3/14/2006 7:58 AM  
Blogger AmyJo said...

Andy, we enjoyed your visit last night. Let's do that again sometime.


3/15/2006 6:41 PM  

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