Things to Think About

Everyday thoughts about nothing in particular. Just "things to think about".

Location: Markleville, Indiana, United States

I have been married to a wonderful man, Marty, for 27 years and have three great children. Amanda, Drew and Amy. I also have three adorable grandkids, Dallys, Dylan and Donovan. I am a legal assistant/secretary and have done that job in one form or another for about 20 years. My church is CFC and they are my family.

Friday, February 03, 2006

YEAH FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I just have to say that I am SO glad it's Friday and also that it's almost time to go home! It's really not been such a hard week, I just have things to do at home and I would love to be there doing it!!!!! I guess that's what the weekends are for, huh???

Be blessed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate fridays but Im excited for this Friday to come! Andy I pasted my Buckshot homework on my blog for you! Love ya!

2/06/2006 7:48 AM  

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